demonstrate through diagrams

CSCI 311 Topics (pick 1)
• Discuss and demonstrate through diagrams how a CPU operates (CH 4).
• Physical security is the first layer of defense for an organization. Research access control mechanisms. Demonstrate how they work through diagrams and explain how a user is provided authorization and authenticated. (CH 14).
• Design a physical environment for an organization (Network Closet or Server Room). Account for electrical power, heat dissipation, moisture, fire protection, and cabling. Explain why each part is important for the environment. (Ch 14).
• Design a microcomputer. Discuss CPU power, disk space, primary and secondary storage, I/O capabilities and platforms the computer is designed to run. (CH 2).
• Research how resources allocation works. Discuss the differences with real and virtual resources. (Ch 11)
Grading Rubric
• Project propels are due by Feb 11 11:59 pm. There will be a link in Blackboard to submit. Proposals are only 2-3 sentences with 3-5 resources. Worth 2.5% of Project Grade
• Project Topic Detailed Outline due by March 21st at 11:59 pm. Worth 2.5% of Project Grade. A link will be provided in Blackboard to submit.
• Class Projects due April 17th at 11:59pm. A link will be provided in Blackboard to submit.
• Class will be presented to the class on April 26rd and April 29th. Presentation between 5-10 minutes each. This will be worth 5% of project grade.
• Project needs to be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, New Times Roman. (APA format).
• At least 5 resources should be cited in MLA format. (
• Resources cited need to be no older than 5 years.
• At least 3 pictures or diagrams need to be included. If copying pictures, be sure to cite where the picture/diagram source.